Books & Magazines

The Story Behind An Aeroplane. Written by Charles King and published by Cassell & Co Ltd in 1966.
This was a book intended to teach children about the design, construction and testing of an aeroplane and with the Herald as its feature subject, it was an enduring 43 page hardback publication with lovely hand illustrations to help tell the story.

The Herald featured in Airlines & Airliners monograph No.3. Compiled by B. Tomkins it was published by Airline Publications & Sales in 1971.

Written by Graham Cowell and published by Jane's in 1980, this book is well known as a great early bible on the Herald.

Handley Page Herald by Matt Falcus is the newest publication on the Herald. Published by Destinworld Publishing Ltd in 2015, it's not an in depth look at the aeroplane, but covers all of the main aspects of the story and Heralds in service.