C/N 193
Test airframe
Herald C/N 193, a model 209, was due to be delivered to Arkia and was well advanced in the assembly stage at Radlett but following the losses of CF-NAF (C/N 160) and JY-ACQ (C/N 170) within weeks of each other in 1965 the Air Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) requested that Handley Page carry out additional fuselage pressurisation testing in order to demonstrate the robustness of the design.
The fuselage of C/N 193 was removed from the assembly line at Radlett and placed into Handley Page's own water tank testing facility located at the Park Street end of Radlett airfield. A series 100 Herald fuselage had in 1959 previously undergone the rigourous water tank test pressure tests which involve pressurising the fuselage in a tank filled with water multiple times over to simulate metal fatigue. Inspections at set points during the tests ensure the integrity of the design.
It is not known what happened to the fuselage once the tests had been completed but it's safe to assume it was broken up. So that Arkia was not inconvinienced, Handley Page was successful in getting Baravia to lease C/N 179 (D-BEBE) to them while another airframe was built. The replacement airframe was C/N 197 which turned out to be the last Herald off the production line
C/N 193 in the water tank at Radlett. (Photo © Handley Page Ltd)